The Double Blue International is Sponsored and Managed by the Wesley College Colombo OBU of Australia. Editor: Dr Nihal D Amerasekera
John Wesley
The Great Methodist
Wesley College Colombo, Sri Lanka is named after the Rev John Wesley
Wesley College Colombo
Sri Lanka
The Double Blue International
Ora et labora
This is an International Website for all Wesleyites, past and present created in Cyberspace. With a few clicks of the rodent you will be transported in time to Wesley College Colombo. On its many pages we honour our Principals, Teachers and Past Students. They have done us proud. It is a repository of stories, legends, anecdotes and images of schooldays and school friends. A place to drop in from time to time, browse, read, recharge and reflect. For once it was your home away from home.
This website presents more than 125 years of educational, cultural, social and intellectual life of Wesley College Colombo. The school was founded by Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira who believed in the universal value of education. The early missionary Principals had to survive the scourge of disease and the hostile local clamour for independence. In later years the Principals and the school withstood the pressures of political upheaval and civil strife. There have been two World Wars in the 20th century. But throughout those years of trouble and turmoil Wesley continued to provide a fine all round education to its students. This is a tribute to the Methodist Mission in Ceylon and the many dedicated Principals and teachers who walked the corridors of this great school.
Schools are places of endemic change. Every year new students join and those who have left go farther on life's journey outside the school gates. We must change with time and we have done so maintaining our links with our glorious past. We have kept the old traditions whilst embracing the innovative and modern. Rejuvenation and modernisation is a continuous process. It would be dismissive to say that transition has procured no benefit. The introduction of computers and the internet into the curriculum and teaching has moved us forward into an exciting new era in education.
However timeless and imposing, the school is not just a set of buildings but a vibrant community. Education at Wesley College Colombo, since its inception, has been focussed in helping emerging adults discharge their responsibilities well, as individuals in this wonderful world. At school education has always been something more than just learning text books and sitting exams. Our long tradition of excellence in sports, arts, drama and music remain a tribute to our Principals teachers and the students and long may that ethic continue.
The main function of a school is to prepare students for life. I believe, as many Wesleyites do, our school has suceeded in that task. Well, most of the time anyway!!
We all hate change and often hear the lament "the school is not what it used to be". Perhaps it never was!! This is more a nostalgic vision of a mystical, non existent past.
As for the future, the school extends the hand of friendship to welcome back as many old boys as possible. We want the school to benefit from the skills, knowledge and experience the Old Boys can offer. Wesley College ensures friendship and goodwill to all old boys and hope the joy of shared memories will give them a continuing stake in the school's success.
A man of great determination, charisma and passion, Rev Henry Highfield made a pioneering contribution to education in Ceylon, at the turn of the 20th Century. There are few Principals who have left a legacy that has profoundly and irreversibly changed the landscape in Education in our Island. Rev Henry Highfield has achieved that distinction.
Wesley College Colombo exudes history. However, the great school we see today is just over a hundred years old, almost all the brainchild of the Rev Henry Highfield, Principal 1895-1925.
Highfield of Wesley unfolds a story of long life full of interest, endeavours and achievements. It spans a momentous period of Ceylon's history. Behind any great organisation is a great leader, and schools are no exception. The Principal of the school sets the tone, the vision and the expectations for the staff and students. He was also a clever and capable man with a gift for friendship which crossed all barriers.
Rev Henry Highfield is considered the father of the present school in Karlsruhe Gardens. As the City of Colombo expanded in the late 19th Century the original school in Dam Street Pettah became smothered by buildings, dust and grime. Rev. Highfield had the wisdom and foresight to collect the funds to buy the prime land adjacent to Baseline Road. The property belonged to Charles Ambrose Lorensz, a prominent solicitor. His house became the Principals' bungalow. Rev Highfield's energy was colossal, and so was his enthusiasm. He had the vision and the determination to collect the money to build the school. It was not without its vicissitudes and setbacks. He cycled from house to house appealing to the affluent to part with their money. The foundation stone for the new Wesley College was laid in 1905 and the building completed in January 1907.
Rev. Highfield changed the ethos of the school. The students were brought up to be self-reliant and ambitious. While acknowledging the importance of learning he realised that was only a part of education. The greater aim of education is the formation of character. He changed the curriculum giving importance to sports and began the prefect system looking for moral principles and gentlemanly conduct while promoting intellectual ability. Part of his reforms was to introduce the concept of the school as a community. Rev Highfield started the four houses for the school to generate friendly rivalry and encourage loyalty. He set the standard to make the students good scholars and responsible leaders. He cared passionately about public service and the need for integrity in public life.
There is an interesting anecdote retold by Mr Shirley Somanader, the well known Methodist Historian. This is an excerpt from his account of the History of Methodism in Ceylon: Mr D.S Senanayake was the Chief Guest at the Annual Prize Giving of the school in 1949 and recalled with nostalgia events of 34 years ago in 1915.
During his reign Wesley developed into a very good school set in idyllic surroundings.. It had an able and dedicated staff and was popular with parents. Rev Highfield as the Principal was humane and approachable. The School has developed a strong academic tradition and has produced a collection of great alumni. Sir O.E.Goonetilleke, the first Ceylonese Governor General undoubtedly the best of the bunch.
Rev Highfield set high standards for future Principals to follow. Wherever we walk in the school we feel his presence. He must wander ethereally in the corridors and classrooms of that magnificient building. Its elegant facade is a special tribute to this remarkable person. Today he is the 'pater familias' of a large and vibrant community of Wesleyites scattered all over the world. His legend lives on.
Wesley College has emerged from its quiet 19th-century grand traditions to embrace modernity but its fine original buildings still remain a tribute to Rev Highfield. It is indeed a magnificent architectural masterpiece and reflects the vision of a great man..

Ora et labora

The 150th Anniversary of the School - March 2024
This is an important message that epitomised the thoughts and sentiments of the founding fathers of this great school.
Throughout the last century Wesley has stood for the freedom of the human spirit and the community of all her sons, to whatever race or religion they may belong. She has always been a friendly and joyful place for a boy to grow up in. To the wider life of Sri Lanka the school has continued to give fine men - men of vision, men of scholarship, men of ability, men of deep understanding and simple faith.
Wesley College provides an exceptional, contemporary education set in a beautiful environment. The school estate has a remarkable history since its beginnings in 1907. Much has changed since those days with the increase in student numbers and the new buildings to accommodate them. This includes a magnificent Chapel. Yet this has been done with due consideration to maintain the beauty of its landscape in its unique environment.There is now a new ethos enthused by a new Principal. Students and staff relate in a civilized and open way, showing confidence and respect based on Christian values.
These images are from the 150th Chronicle and also some sent to me by Peter Peiris
- Sir Oliver Goonetilleke - The 1st Ceylonese Governor-General (1954–1962)
- Sir Don Baron Jayatilaka - President of the Colombo Y.M.B.A, Freedom fighter and Leader of the State Council
- Sir Claude Corea - President of the UN Security Council, Chairman of the UN Interim Committee on International Commodity Arrangements of GATT, Representative to the United Nations, President of the Ceylon National Congress, Ceylonese Representative in the United Kingdom, First Ceylonese Ambassador to the United States.
- D. M. Rajapaksa - Known as the Lion of Ruhuna and a Member of The State Council of Ceylon
- Sir Mohamed Macan Markar - Member of the Legislative Council of Ceylon
- David Loos - A Renowned diplomat
- Mahadevan Sathasivam - A Legendary International Cricketer
- Professor Mohamed Mahroof Ismail – Member and Consultant of the WHO Expert Committee on Lymphatic Filariasis, Chairman of the Board of Management of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine of Sri Lanka; Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Colombo and Director of the Medical Research Institute.
- E. F. C. Ludowyk - A Shakespearean Scholar, Author, Playwright and Critic, The First Professor of English University of Ceylon and the First Dean of Arts in the University in Peradeniya
- Rienzie T. Wijetilleke – A Colossus in Sri Lanka’s Banking Industry
- Professor J. E. Jayasuriya - First Regional Adviser on Population Education for Asia and the Pacific for UNESCO
- Air Vice-Marshal Rohan Ameresekere - The First Ceylonese Commander of the Royal Ceylon Air Force
- Air Chief Marshal Terrence Gunawardane - The 8th Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force
- Farveez Maharoof - The Sri Lankan Cricketer, who captained the Sri Lankan team for the Under 19 World Cup in 2004. He was the adjudged the Observer School Boy cricketer of the year 2003 and played in all three formats of the game – Test Cricket, 50 Overs, and the T20’s and till recently was in the Sri Lanka Cricket Administration.
- A. Mylvaganam – One of the best players produced by Wesley and Ceylon/Sri Lanka, and better known as “The Hockey Wizard’ who captained the All-Ceylon Team.
- Mr. P. De S. Kularatne – The Principal of Ananda College
- E.W. Adikaram - A Social Activist and a Philosopher, Founded Multiple Schools - Anula Vidyalaya, Ananda Balika Maha Vidyalaya Kotte and Ananda Sastralaya Kotte
- Hon. M. H. Mohamed - Speaker of Sri Lanka Parliament and Mayor of Colombo
- M. D. Gunasena - The Most Prestigious Publisher, Printer and Bookseller In Sri Lanka
- Rev. Fr. S. G. Perera – The Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest and Wesley's Great Historian and Scholar, who earned a permanent place in the History of Sri Lanka for his monumental work and research of the History of Ceylon.
- Reggie Bartholomeusz – One of the finest National Rugby Stars produced by Wesley College
- Alston Koch – Award Winning International Singer, Actor, Also Referred to as Asia's King of Pop, the Ambassador for Tourism for Sri Lanka, the official 'GOODWILL AMBASSADOR' for the 2011 Cricket World Cup, Ambassador for Climate Change.
- Associate Professor Dylan Bartholomeusz – Consultant in Nuclear Medicine, PET, Bone Densitometry and Clinical and Procedural Gastroenterology in Adelaide
- Sir Gerard Wijeyekoon - the first President of the Senate of Ceylon and Member Legislative Council of Ceylon,
- Deshamanya Chitrasena - internationally known for his work in establishing and popularizing traditional Sri Lankan dance forms worldwide.
- Dr. V.T. Herat Gunaratne - Regional Director Emeritus South-East Asia Region, World Health Organization.
- Hussain Jiffry - First Sri Lankan to win the Prestigious Grammy Award for the Best Pop Instrumental Album at the 56th Grammy Awards in 2014.
- Walisinghe Harischandra - Social Reformer, Historian and Author,
Links to Further Reading
The Double Blue Links
Linking the Alumni of Wesley College Colombo across the World
Students have trod those long corridors, sat in the classrooms, assembled in the Great Hall and played in Campbell Park since 1907. After leaving the hallowed grounds, Old Boys look back on their time and wonder what has happened to their school, friends, teachers and Principals . Those memories are more than mere nostalgia. The emotions and sentiments associated with these memories give us the greatest pleasure.
As we see from the websites, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts, Wesley College Colombo and its Old Boys have joined the digital revolution. Over many years we have scanned the world wide web, spoken to old boys and leaders of the many organisations of the school to collect information for the Double Blue International and the ever popular Australian OBU Newsletter. We feel strongly there is now a need for an International Newsletter. Keith and I realize the enormity of the task.
A Newsletter is only as good as the support it receives from the old boys. Any news about the school and its OBU’s and members will be most welcome. Please keep us informed of the old boys’ achievements, marriages and obituaries. Facts are sacred but comment is free. We hope the old boys will be able to express their views freely and fairly. The Double Blue Link is not an official newsletter of Wesley College Colombo or its Old Boys Unions although we have common objectives.
From the editor - Dr Nihal D Amerasekera
This is a free and independent forum managed by the Wesley College Colombo OBU of Australia. It is a collection of Memories and Images of past students and events
The site is dedicated to the Principals, Teachers and Students of Wesley College who have now departed this world. It is created in memory of their immeasurable contribution to the life of the school. They have enriched our lives. I hope now they have found eternal peace. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning , we will remember them.
Facts are sacred but comment is free. The views expressed in the articles in this website are entirely those of the authors. Any readers who wish to discuss issues further are encouraged to write to the Editor of the OBU Australia or preferably to contact the authors directly. We have received articles from Wesleyites from all round the world. There was never any occasion to edit articles for inflammatory content.
I sincerely hope in the fullness of time this website would be a true and accurate record of life at Wesley since its lowly beginnings in 1874. It is also hoped all the principals. teachers and students have had the opportunity to express their views freely and fairly on this site.
The editor sends his heartfelt thanks to all those who have helped to make this website a success. The site is a tribute to each and everyone of you without whom there will not be a Double Blue International. The OBU Australia has taken on the task to host and manage the Double Blue international which they will do with great pride.
It has been an aim and a desire to keep the Double Blue International free of politics, be that of our beloved school, country or the world at large. There is so much of that in the media and in our day to day lives. It is appreciated that no institution is perfect. The Double Blue International cannot be a battle ground for dissent. They are best discussed directly with the relevant authority.
There is an age old taboo also now a famous aphorism popularised by the Philosopher Chiron of Sparta in ancient Greece. De mortuis nihil nisi bonum (“do not speak ill of the dead”). As the Editor of this Forum I have always respected his philosophy and wisdom .
This is a Friendly Forum. A place of friendship and peace where we can remember those joyful schooldays and be proud of our heritage. It is a Forum we can remember our friends who shared our lives in the classrooms and in the playing fields. A nostalgic walk down memory lane.
Avanka Fernando has been appointed the Acting Principal of Wesley College Colombo from January 2017. He is a graduate of the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) where he obtained a BSc degree in 2012. Avanka Fernando completed a Master of Science (MSc)in Educational Leadership and Management in the University of Portsmouth in 2015. We wish him well in his new appointment to move the school forward in a challenging environment.
A Message from the Principal - December 2019
To the Old Boys' Union of Wesley College - World wide!
Dear Friends,
Greetings from your Alma-Mater!
I have great pleasure in being touch with you through this e-mail which will give you an overall view of the College, at a glance.
The place where you were moulded into what you are today, still stands forth, equipping many generations who have been placed in its care. The sole expectation of the College is that these young men who are still passing through the corridors of Wesley College will one day become matured men who would be great leaders and serve the society in a significant manner while being embedded with rich values.
Wesley has been continuously striving towards providing quality education to its students, and has taken all possible initiatives to achieve this goal. Being in line with the vision of the College which is ‘To be the premier Christian secondary educational institute and to provide men of stature and integrity to be leaders in the technologically advancing environment.’, and realizing the overwhelming power of the virtual world which is moving towards computer generated sphere, we envisaged a plan on providing an excellent foundation in IT so that it’s students become more independent and all set to face the competitive world.
In our journey of producing young men of calibre, Wesley College has leaped great heights by the grace of God and the genuine concern and partnership of few of the Old Boys Unions who have voluntarily extended their support whenever a need arose.
As an initial step of our journey towards equipping the Wesley Community (both teachers and students), Smart boards / Interactive boards were introduced to a few classes. On realizing the level of enthusiasm of the children and the interest of the academic staff, we felt the need to install a Smart Board in each class. At present more than 30 of our classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards including the Senior Computer lab, Resource rooms, Conference room and all the A/L Science classes.
Our deepest gratitude goes out to the OBU in Sri Lanka, UK, Qatar, the various batches and individuals, for partnering with us in this project. We are certain that this initiative would provide students with an enriched learning experience by projecting visual elements.
Another significant phase of partnership was when the OBU decided to organize the ‘Double Blue Classics’ – an evening of Music with renowned artists, in order to raise funds for the Smart Board Project.
Among the innumerable support we have received and continue to receive from the OBU, I wish to highlight a few which include the wooden furniture project. The old furniture which was being used for many years have now been replaced with new furniture. At present both the A/L and O/L sections have been fully furnished, and steps are taken to furnish the classes in the Grade 8 & 9 section & also one classroom each from the Primary Schools at both Havelock Town & Tampola.
The need for a proper reading / resource room for our Primary School at Havelock Town has been existing for quite some time. With nearly 800 number of primary students who have been entrusted to our care to provide an appropriate environment which is conducive to learning, giving them the facility to learn and grow is purely ours. My gratitude to the President of the OBU Sri Lanka and many other Old boys who went the extra mile to contribute books and other materials towards the Reading / Resource room which has a new look with books to read and bean bags to relax while reading.
Another step in the sphere of development was the refurbishing / renovation of the Chemistry Lab. Once again it is the faithful old boys who came up and extended their voluntary support to make this a reality.
The next phase was the Sick Room project. With nearly 2,100 boys in Borella, a sick room was a ‘most needed’ part in the College. It was a delight to see so many faces walking into the College with donations of beds, other equipment / furniture & medicine. At times though I was not present in College they ensured that everything was put in its place and that the room was in a proper condition with a nurse to assist.
Development has no borders when it is commenced and I am able to witness it at my own Alma-Mater. It was just the walls which were to be painted and some patch up work to be done but at present the entire College has taken on a new look with fences separating the paths, direction boards, and the stone embedded front wall which are admired and appreciated by our own old boys and the parents as well. It must be mentioned that this was done simply by an individual but with the immense support we received from the Old Boys by means of donations and ideas. Our gratitude to the ones who have assisted the College in their own areas of expertise such as the support we received from dialog for sending instant SMS, the LED Television, Career guidance and including Internet related assistance.
Cement and wooden seats have been placed at several areas giving the children to enjoy an open classroom – of course when the weather is perfect.
A Green House has been put up at both Borella and Havelock Town, as an initiative of the Science Union, giving an atmosphere to learn while observing.
Washrooms at the Havelock town Primary school have been totally renovated with new fittings the students were allowed to use them this term.
Wesley College not only develops its own facilities but rather, goes out to assist the other less privileged, in our own capacity. Once again the Old boys have reached out and set an exemplary example in being blessed by giving. The Hiniduma Thavalama School was assisted with some new agricultural equipment, books and stationery items after their school was affected by the heavy floods, Tables and chairs items which were in good condition, Exercise and stationery items have been given out to some schools, assisted the Prison Fellowship with a donation of exercise books and some gift packs for about 150 deserving children. Recently the Sinhala Literary Union decided to celebrate the children’s day with a difference and invited the students from the Duluwita Primary School in Mathugama, to spend their day at Wesley. The students who had very less access to a Colombo school, were brought to Wesley by the College Bus and were taken on a tour around the city of Colombo after which they had a fellowship lunch at Wesley. The kids were given gifts of Books, School bags and stationery items and in addition the OBU in Colombo donated a Computer to this well deserving school.
In our journey of completing 150 years (in a few years’ time), we will not only be focusing on developing our facilities but will also extend a helping hand to the deserving community in our own capacity, and thereby create an awareness and among the society, while teaching our children values that will last lifelong. We are confident that the OBU will stand by us in this endeavour too.
I attach herewith the Sports report which was released at the Colours nite, with a summary of the activities held in the recent past.
Future Plans
Our plans for the future of the College are clear and simple. We hope to focus more on Education. This would also include the development of Academic staff, and draw a strong structure in our education system with the necessary changes that are required the most.
Upgrading of facilities and renovation will continue since each step will be taken gradually and steadily.
Expansion in the areas of Sports and other extra - curricular activities and even on the variety of subjects.
I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to the members of the OBU, for their depth of understanding on the need to integrate technology into the educational system at Wesley and their initiative to raise funds and support their Alma Mater so that the College may provide the students and IT enriched learning experience.
Apart from the introduction to the Information Technology, the college also hopes to develop the spheres of Culture, Education, Infrastructure, Sports, Development of Academic Staff & projects, in the years to come.
As the College strives to achieve the goals which have been set forth, I wish to call upon the Old Boys' Union around the globe to extend their support in whatever possible way towards the development of our College.
I am Nihal Douglas Amerasekera. I was called ND at school, amongst other names which were less flattering!! My parents preferred to call me Nihal. Scenes of endless sunny childhood days flash by although I am now thousands of miles away from those memories of Ceylon. The unforgiving nature of the economy makes those journeys home a rarity. Those memories linger on of school and home and friends.......
I have always wanted to create a website to unify all Wesleyites whatever colour, race, religion or ethnic background they may have. At Wesley we were a multi-ethnic, multi religion and multi-cultural community. I consider the many students who passed through the gates of the school as belonging to one large family. It was my desire to bring them all together at this site wherever in the world they may be. There is no better meeting place than the internet to reflect, meet and greet.
- Provide information about school friends and teachers for a database of email addresses.
- Present photos and interesting anecdotes about school life.
- Publish articles and letters sent by old boys and OBU's.
- Make the site a meeting place for Wesley College Old boys all over the world.
- Record the recent and past history of our school including its gripes and swipes.
- Chronicle Obituaries and appreciations
- Keep alumni updated and involved with the Wesley College of today;
- Inform and interest readers about alumni networks and events worldwide;
- Take pride in alumni successes.
- Show the enormous influence Wesley College and its alumni have had and continue to have in Sri Lanka and the world.
The Double Blue International will continue to:
Looking back is a curious and fascinating experience. In addition to the brilliant academic achievements and superlative sporting performances, here I have sought out the eccentric, the ludicrous and the socially revealing aspects of everyday life at school. After the 'short' fun packed existence at the 'Karlsruhe Village' with its wonders,its heroes and villains, the rest of one's long life seems an anti-climax !! Life's experiences have taught me that being clever was less important than being reliable and having an honest, dignified and cheerful attitude. These were drilled into us at Wesley. Wit and humour were endemic at school. Representing the school at sports was the peak of one's achievements. Everyone else fell short or so it seemed in those distant days.
I started work on this website in the depths of a bitter, rainswept English winter in 1997. It was a pivotal year with the Labour Party of the United Kingdom returning to power for the first time in 18 years. Tony Blair became the Prime Minister, in a landslide victory. U.S. President Bill Clinton was inaugurated for his second term at the Oval Office. The United Kingdom handed over sovereignty of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China. By then the Internet had become an important mode of communication and a leading source of news and information with the birth of the information superhighway called the World Wide Web.
Those long days and nights spent on its creation gave me a wonderful insight into the richness of life and achievements of this great school. Time is precious. Content is not cost free. Writing is work. There are no advertising revenues and no sponsorships. But it has been a pleasure and a privilege to be the editor of this journal. I am humbled by the immense support received from old boys. It is inspiring to note there is a wondeful brotherhood of Wesleyites out there willing to help. I rejoice in the fact I was able to be of service to such a multitude of old boys all over the world.
At times it is hard to comprehend the convulsive changes that have taken place within society since my childhood.
School and schooldays have undergone an enormous transformation. The teacher - parent and teacher - student interactions and relationships seem very different now. A recent poem summarised the endless posibilities for students today.
I am not in school today.
But the tape deck on my desk,
Will record each word you say.
Switch on my laptop's Webcam,
When you have something to show,
And if you pass out homework,
Find my fax number below.
I’ve a pager and cell phone,
So I won’t be hard to reach.
Since I don’t need to be in class,
I’ll do lessons at the beach.
Links for further reading
From Dr Nihal D Amerasekera
Due to the ravages of time and living in the UK, so far removed from Karlsruhe Gardens, I have found it increasingly difficult to manage and keep the DBI updated and relevant. I am grateful to the Old Boys Union of Australia for agreeing to take over and manage the DBI. The handover took place in November of 2017. With such a loyal group of passionate Wesleyites I couldn't have found a better home for the website. I am confident they will continue to uphold the traditions, culture and heritage of that great institution through the pages of the DBI. I see a bright future for the website and wish the DBI well.
When I was looking for a good home for the DBI it was Gillian Leembruggen who floated the idea that I should speak with the Australian OBU. Gillian has helped me enormously, over many years, by sending me paper cuttings,photos and articles of her time at the Principal's Bungalow at Wesley College and then at Trinity College Kandy. Those articles on the Oorloffs are priceless.
My sincere thanks to the Australian OBU Committee and Tony Careem for their help in making the transfer appear seemless and painless.
A special thank you to Keith de Kretser,Trevor Collette and Brian Wijekoon for their efforts to convince the brotherhood of its value. I do appreciate their kindness and help. The OBU Committee made it all happen.
Finally my heartfelt thanks to all the old boys, teachers, and well wishers who by their encouragement and contributions have made the DBI what it is today.
I will indeed follow its fortunes with love and affection
Long Live the DBI
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